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Wirral Wall Knock Through

Do You Want A Wall Knock Through On The Wirral ?

Wirral Wall Knock ThroughOn the Wirral there are many people who are looking for a wall knock through in their home . If you are one of these people then make sure to read this article and to call us today at 0151 321 9880 or contact us via our website here .

In this article we will cover why people in the Wirral want wall knock through’s , how wall knock throughs are carried out , who we are and finally why you must call us before anyone else if you are looking to get a wall demolished in your home on the Wirral .

Why People In The Wirral Get Wall Knock Throughs

People in the Wirral get wall knock through’s quite often . The main wall that gets knocked down is the wall between the kitchen and the dining room and this is because most clients who get this wall knocked down are looking for an open plan space within their home .

Other than this wall the second most popular wall to demolish is the wall at the back of the house and this is because a lot of our clients on the Wirral are looking for either an extension or to build a conservatory and to get this done they must get a wall knock through performed by a structural specialist such as ourselves .

How Wall Knock Throughs Are Achieved 

When a wall knock through is carried out on a load bearing wall the wall must be structurally supported so that when the wall gets demolished it does not put the structural integrity of the building in danger .

Wirral Wall Knock ThroughThis would be done by installing temporary structural supports which would be propped by our expert temporary structural propping devices . After this has been done we would then safely remove the wall with various drills and hammers whilst simultaneously cleaning the site so there is no excess dust / debris .

When this wall has been removed then we would have to install a rolled steel joist / RSJ to make sure that the property is structurally secure when we leave . This of course would have to be done by an experienced , competent and verified structural expert who specialises in this work .

Once this has been achieved the temporary structural supports and propping devices can be taken out safely so this would be done . To conclude we would then do one final site clean and send you a final invoice .

Who We Are And Why We Are The Best For You

We are total structural specialists who are massively experienced because over the past three decades we have mastered carrying out every and all types of structural alterations and repairs jobs . Many other builders may make this claim but we can prove it.

If you click here this will take you to the accredited and well respected ABP website where you will see we have over 50 verified customer testimonials that are all 5 stars rated .

Wirral Wall Knock ThroughYou may be contacted by builders who undercut us on price but we would warn you that you pay for what you get . What we mean by this is many builders who undercut us are not structural specialists and it shows when they carry out expert structural work and make dire mistakes that cost you much more to fix than our original quote .

In some cases we have seen clients who have chosen another builder over us and this builder has actually been a cowboy builder who has ripped the client off. Don’t let this be you , don’t be ripped off by cowboy builders , call us today at 0151 321 9880 , we guarantee you will be totally satisfied !


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